Where to study on campus


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Jul 10, 2023

Where to study on campus

The Popp Martin Student Union is located in the heart of UNC Charlotte. Students

The Popp Martin Student Union is located in the heart of UNC Charlotte. Students can go to the union to order and pick up food and to find a place to do their homework and study. Places to study in the union include the food court, Norm's Loft and the Mezzazine level.

As new students become more familiar with campus resources and facilities, they may notice other students in different buildings utilizing either a patio or a vacant classroom as their study areas.

As the semester progresses, finding places to study besides a dorm room can be easy for incoming students, especially those interested in getting to know Charlotte's campus.

Here are a few places on campus to consider when looking for a place to study and get schoolwork done.

Popp Martin Student Union

The Atkins Library provides several study spaces for students that prefer a more quieter setting to get school work done or to meet with classmates for group assignments. The library had opened a second Starbucks location in January.

The Popp Martin Student Union is the heart of UNC Charlotte, where many students go to relax, meet with friends and classmates, grab a coffee from Starbucks or get their schoolwork done.

On the first floor of the Union, there are many couches, tables and chairs for a handful of students. There is also a food court with sitting areas where they can review their class notes while ordering and waiting for food. Also, secluded in a small corner of the school's Barnes & Noble is a small meeting area that is great for groups to work together or relax. Despite the Union being more open, the first floor can be loud and busy.

For students that prefer being away from the crowd, the Mezzanine, second and third floor has more couches, meeting rooms and spaces. There are even study pods on the third floor for a more private study session. Norm's Loft is on the second floor and is a small place to hang out that overlooks the Union's game room, Norm's.

J. Murrey Atkins Library

For students who prefer a quieter place to study, the Atkins Library provides different spaces to work on their homework and projects. You can choose private cubicles or general desks and open workspaces around either library floor. Students can reserve different study rooms for more privacy to focus on their work or accommodate a group meeting for class projects.

The second floor of Atkins Library is also home to Area 49. It is a great resource to further collaborate with students or group members of a project and learn new skills that can be applied to coursework, regardless of their experience or major. In addition, the spaces include the Makerspace, EZ Video Studio and other multimedia labs.

The Atkins Library is also a good stopping point for students wanting to grab a snack or coffee. The Starbucks on the ground floor contains a sitting area in the café or on the library's patio to study, participate in online classes via Zoom or do schoolwork while indulging in a treat.

The Atkins Library provides several study spaces for students that prefer a more quieter setting to get school work done or to meet with classmates for group assignments. The library had opened a second Starbucks location in January.

The Thoughtful Cup

The Thoughtful Cup is a cafe located on the ground floor of the Fretwell Building. Students can grab coffee or a quick snack and either sit in a cubicle around Fretwell, the seated area or on the patio to study or do homework.

The Thoughtful Cup is another café located on the ground floor of Fretwell. Like the Starbucks in the Atkin's Library, students can grab a quick cup of coffee, snack or pastry to enjoy.

At the same time, they can study and work on schoolwork either in the sitting area of the café, outside on the building's patio or in the study cubicles throughout the Fretwell building.

The Botanical Gardens

Located near the Fretwell building, the Botanical Gardens are a great place to appreciate some quiet time while doing homework or attending a Zoom meeting. Students can either sit at some of the picnic tables to get situated, sit on the rocks by the pond and small waterfall to review their notes, read a book or sit under the shade of the gazebo, which overlooks a portion of the garden.

The garden also provides a space where students can clear their minds as schoolwork becomes stressful. As a study break, students can walk around on the trail and explore different parts of the area while learning about the various types of plants.

The hammocks around campus

Another outdoor study option is the variety of hammocks around campus. Students can find the hammocks near the Atkins Library, on the side of the Fretwell building, beside Wallis Hall and towards the fountain near Cone deck and SoVi. Though there is a limited number of hammocks in these areas, they still make an excellent place for students to study or to take a break from schoolwork.

These are only some resourceful study locations on campus. There is no single right place for students to study; it is more what a student is comfortable with and if the room or environment they are working in helps them succeed.

Popp Martin Student Union J. Murrey Atkins Library The Thoughtful Cup The Botanical Gardens The hammocks around campus